Category Archives: HSC – Food: Why it matters.
Food and exercise: why it matters: week 3 round up.
So, three weeks into my journey back to normality from the carbohydrate laden fest of the nine days in March I have am feeling great. Energy levels and stamina is great, appetite and blood sugar levels under control and good … Continue reading
Food and exercise: why it matters: week 2 round up.
The end of week two post ‘flab fest’ . Results are: Waist 34″ (same as last week) Belly 36″ (down 2″on last week) Hips 40″ (down 1″ since last week) Weight 12st 12lbs (down 2lbs since last week) Exercise: Whoops! … Continue reading
Food and exercise: why it matters: Week 1
So here we go, heading off in the other direction. I’ve done showing how eating too many starchy grain based carbs can make you bigger, more tired and spotty. Now I am going to show you how eating a clean … Continue reading
Food: why it matters: Day ten
Another day and no time to rest and chew over the seminar, onwards with new things. Had a nice long FB chat with Laura this morning… Breakfast, I had the last 2.5 slices of spelt bread with butter and marmalade. … Continue reading
Food: why it matters: Day nine
Day nine: It’s close to the end and already I am making changes. My right knee is so damn painful I am back on all my supplements. A morning plan for me is 1 x multi-vit, 2 x 1g vit … Continue reading
Food: why it matters: Day eight
Didn’t want to get up today. Very bleurgh and achey. Not good, I did 3 hours of exercise yesterday, but in my old life that was normal. I accept I am out that rat race now and my body has … Continue reading
Food: why it matters: Day seven
OK, so up at 5.50 for BodyPump. Had 2 slices spelt toast and marmalade before I went. I have no idea why, it wasn’t really necessary. Coffee too. Once home decided I didn’t need breakfast, I really need to feel … Continue reading
Food: why it matters: Day six
Almost a week in. I’ve had enough now. It was a bit exciting at first to eat what I wanted, however I am so sluggish and heavy of belly that it’s boring now. I am sleeping well considering the amount … Continue reading
Food: why it matters: Day five
Had 8 hours sleep. I really can’t remember the last time that happened. It was a late night (Skyping with Laura in Australia) so got up (without an alarm) at about 9.15! Bloody decadent or what?! Congested nose,Ā but surprisingly … Continue reading
Food: Why it matters: Day four
So, for the first time in a long time, my alarm wasn’t set for something before 6am. Despite my late night, the late cheese and wine and lots of other previous late nights I don’t feel like I slept too … Continue reading