Monthly Archives: October 2013

Change the record

My connection with people comes in many forms but a lot of what I learn about others comes from their contribution on forums and group posts. It is usually in these areas where people are more likely to say things … Continue reading

Strickers Blog ,

Things I like about running part 1:

1. Being outside. I just love it. I love weather of all sorts but I especially like being outside when everyone else likes to be in. 2. I love being sweaty without being hot. So exercising outside in the autumn … Continue reading

Strickers Blog , ,

Market Trader’s Tomato Soup

So I bought all those tomatoes from Woky Joe because I just love this soup. A great recipe if you have a glut of tomatoes or can buy some supermarket ones on marked down price! It’s a real favourite in … Continue reading

Recipes, Strickers Blog

Three unusual tips for boosting your immunity this winter

Three different ways to keep super healthy this winter Keep stress down –  too much stress (of any type) will produce an excess of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is produced by your adrenal glands and they rely on a lot … Continue reading

Strickers Blog