These little fruit and nut chews are so quick and easy to prepare. Kids will enjoy making them and everyone will love them for satisfying a sweet-tooth.
250g stoned dates
250g raisins
250g walnuts or cashews
150g dessicated coconut
Put all the ingredients into a food processor and whizz until coarse and sticky.
Either: roll into large marble shaped balls, or press into a flapjack tin. Put in the fridge to cool.
You can play with this to make alternative flavours:
Ginger and Lemon – ground ginger to taste (about a 1.5-2 teaspoons) and grated rind of 1 lemon.
Chocolate – add 1 tbl spoon of cocoa powder.
Chocolate Orange – 1 tbl spoon cocoa powder and grated rind of 1 orange.